Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Vastlapäev or Shrove Tuesday!

Today, I have decided to start a blog diary. But, so that it doesn't dominate my life, I will only post an entry once a week, each Tuesday, hence the title of my blog. I also like alliterations.

I met Erik, my beloved husband, who describes himself as a world gypsy, on this day 27 years ago in Sydney, Australia. Today is also Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day in England, or Vastlapäev here in Estonia. Estonians enjoy eating special cream buns and sledding, to chase the bad spirits away. Tonight there will be many people partying in the park across the road from our house, until the early hours of the morning.

Our family relocated from a small town in Massachusetts in July, 2004, to come and live in Tartu. We have 2 teenage sons who are slowly adjusting to life here & learning the language. I did learn Estonian for a short period in Sydney, before we immigrated to the USA in November, 1990. Now I'm attending a language course at the Tartu University Language Centre.

Apart from doing all the normal boring everyday housewifely chores, I have a special interest in bobbin lace making, but I also like tatting, knitting, & making things with beads.

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